Lighting Strategy
Part of the Wildlife Protection Policy Statement passed in November 2020 was the creation of a Lighting Strategy for the town. This will enhance the habitat of creatures like bats, which can be adversely affected by pools of light, and also reduces energy consumption.
While the Town Council may not directly control lighting infrastructure such as street-lighting, it does play a role in the planning process. It can comment on lighting spill from facilities such as sports pitches and commercial premises – and also ensure that new Town Council developments have a positive impact. The strategy may also extend to advising business and other public sector agencies in the town to reduce their own lighting ‘spill’.
Insect Hotels
All creatures, great and small, are part of our ecosystem, and some of our small inhabitants play a key role in tidying up and sustaining larger life – aiding composting and decomposition, and pollinating plants which then support animals, birds and bats.
Insect hotels are a great way to assist in this, and the Town Council is collecting materials and supporting Ellie, a young person who lives in the town, in creating these in several locations.

Town Council Procurement and Supply Chain
The Ecological Emergency Declaration provided that a review of procurement would be undertaken to ensure that consumables used are sustainably sourced, and that the carbon and ecological footprint of the Council is mapped.
It also committed that procurement and management practices will be consistent with the two declarations, with appropriate instructions draft and delivered to Town Council suppliers.
This has not yet been completed, and will be prioritised early in the new year.
Living Green Wall
Bradford on Avon Town Council has unveiled an environmental project aiming to improve the town’s eco-impact whilst making it look even more beautiful.
The Living Green Wall is connected to an automated irrigation system and the Town Council is responsible for its maintenance.
Not only will the wall attract visitors to the town, but it will have many benefits for residents, such as reducing carbon dioxide in the area by absorbing it.
Studies have found that Living Green Walls cool the surface area by 12-20 degrees C when compared to a bare wall.