Bradford on Avon Town Council

Councillor ends term as Mayor with Town Concert

Councillor Katie Vigar speaking at the Town Concert

Councillor Katie Vigar speaking at the Town Concert

Civic guests, residents and French twinning guests packed Holy Trinity Church this weekend for a Town Concert.

Organised by the town council, the event was an opportunity to showcase some of Bradford on Avon’s musical talent, welcome guests to our town and celebrate our link with our French town, Sully-sur-Loire.

Over £700 was raised for Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire and Oxfam.

The concert also marked the end of Councillor Katie Vigar’s 2 terms as Mayor of the town.

“One of the special things about Bradford on Avon is our community’s love of music and singing – it’s something I personally really appreciate about our town,” she said.

“We have such a strength in music, and all the groups that took part gave truly inspiring performances.

“I think everyone found the concert a really uplifting experience and it’s great also to have raised so much for 2 charities doing valuable work, one locally and one internationally.”

Local choirs – Wiltshire Wailers, Tow Path Singers and West Wiltshire Young Singers – were joined by St Laurence School’s Random Band and, celebrating the French twinning link, the band Société Musicale de Sully-sur-Loire performed while visiting.

Sully’s band led the Mayor and civic guests in a procession from the town council office to Holy Trinity Church.

Civic guests included the Mayor of Bath and mayors from across Wiltshire.

Bradford on Avon Town Concert programme (pdf)

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