A call to arms from the Natural Theatre Company!
It’s been a rather naff year! Life has been turned upside down, shaken about and locked away. That is why we want to hear from you!
Perhaps you have learnt a song, painted a picture, baked a cake, taken up yoga, knot tying, foraging or bee keeping. Maybe you learnt how to skate-board, build a yurt, make a pie or knit a scarf.
Perhaps you made a new friend on zoom, caught up with old ones, read some plays, made a film, or became a famous tik-toker.
Whatever niceness you have been up to, we want you to join us, in creating an atmospheric day, celebrating all the loveliness that has happened over this strange time. No experiences are too small or life changes too big. All are welcome……
So what are we going to do?
We will run introductory sessions online at the following times:
Wednesday March 31st 11.00am -12.30pm
Wednesday March 31st 7.00pm-8.30pm
Saturday April 3rd 11.00am-12.30pm
Thursday April 8th 7.00pm-8.30pm
….and ask you to attend ONE of these.
Following these we will run a series of virtual sessions throughout April to explore your positive experiences of lockdown in a fun and creative way.
Towards the end of the workshops we hope to come together for final preparations in the same space before sharing your stories with the good people of Bradford on Avon as an interactive experience in the centre of town during the weekend of May 22nd/23rd.
If you are a member of or know of a group that may like to participate in this project we can run a workshop just for you. Let us know!