Neighbourhood Plan

Bradford on Avon’s Neighbourhood Plan – 2013 to 2026

Bradford on Avon’s Neighbourhood Plan was adopted in October 2017, following a town vote (a referendum) in September 2017.

An adopted Neighbourhood Plan is often referred to as a made plan.

Bradford on Avon’s Neighbourhood Plan (pdf)

The plan is also available to read on Wiltshire Council’s website, where they have a list of all the made plans in Wiltshire (including ours) and the supporting documents.

Why we’re reviewing our plan

Our Neighbourhood Plan was written to cover the period 2013 to 2026.

This doesn’t mean that our plan stops, ends, or becomes redundant in 2026, though – and there isn’t a requirement for us to review the current plan. The plan could carry on.

However, communities with made Neighbourhood Plans can review their plans at any time – and it is generally recommended that plans are checked to see how effective they are – and to make sure they’re up to date.

And some important changes since 2017 – including 2021 revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework – mean that we will be reviewing our plan.

Reviewing our plan

The process for reviewing our plan will change depending on what sort of changes we propose.

There are 3 type of changes that can be made:

  • a minor or non-material change
  • a material change (or modification)
  • a substantial change (or modification).


We’re currently considering the sites put forward during the call for sites in more detail, carrying out assessments to determine the suitability of the land for development.

A call for sites is an opportunity for people to submit details of sites in Bradford on Avon that might be suitable for future development.


Please contact us if you have any questions about the neighbour plan review.


There’s more information about neighbourhood plans and neighbourhood planning on the following websites:

The Countryside Charity (CPRE) – guidance on neighbourhood planning