Thank you for your interest in working at the town council – however, we don’t have any staff vacancies just now.
However please contact us if you’re interested in volunteering in Bradford on Avon.
Town council contracts and other opportunities
The town council is looking for an experienced consultant to help review the town’s Neighbourhood Plan.
Read the review brief here – including details of how to submit your expression of interest.
The deadline for expressions of interest is Sunday 1 September 2024.
The essential documents referred to at the end of the review brief are here:
- Bradford on Avon’s current (made) Neighbourhood Plan
- the Town Vision – and its supporting aims
- Bradford on Avon’s Housing Needs Assessment
- Wiltshire Council’s draft Local Plan.
Additional information about the Wiltshire Local Plan is available on Wiltshire Council’s website.
If you are interested, please complete and return our Questionnaire for Prospective Contractors form.
If you have any questions about the Neighbourhood Plan review, please feel free to contact us.