14th April 2021

Electric vehicles & EV charging for BoA

You may have seen our Town Wardens out and about in various electric vehicles recently, as they have been trialling them for use on the spaces which we manage.  With these soon to increase as we acquire various areas and services from Wiltshire Council, it was agreed by members at last night’s Full Council Meeting, to accept the officer recommendation to take on a 4 year lease for a Melex 3 Series Cargo 

In line with the Town Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy, members also ratified the decision made at the last Environment and Planning Committee meetingto install EV charging points at the Youth & Community Centre, and accepted Electric Blue’s tender for the works. 

Currently Bradford on Avon has very little capacity for public EV charging, with the points in Wiltshire Council’s Station Car Park having awaited maintenance and upgrades for an extended period.

The Town Council is pleased to be able to add enhanced provision for residents and visitors alike to charge vehicles in the town in line with our declaration of Climate & Ecological Emergencies. 

Further updates on both of these projects will be released as they progress. 

To find out more about what the Town Council is doing about the Climate & Ecological Emergencies and why, please visit https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/climate-ecological-emergencies/