Resources Committee

The Resources committee:

  • oversees and ask questions about the town council’s budgets
  • considers policy issues
  • deals with staffing – including recruitment
  • reviews applications for grants from the town council – making recommendations to Full Council.

The committee also discusses a draft budget each year before the budget is formally presented at Full Council.

Chair and vice chair

The Resources committee is chaired by Councillor Sam Blackwell with Councillor Sarah Gibson as the vice chair.

Agenda & reports

Resources Agenda – 4 June 2024 (PDF)

Agenda item 6 – Resources minutes draft_19.03.24 (PDF)

Agenda item 11 – Safeguarding Policy 2024 draft (PDF)

Agenda item 12 – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2024 DRAFT (PDF)


Resources Committee Members:

Councillor Sam Blackwell

Liberal Democrats

Councillor Sam Blackwell

Liberal Democrats

North Ward Email

Councillor Sarah Gibson

Liberal Democrats

Councillor Sarah Gibson

Liberal Democrats

South Ward Email

Councillor Katie Vigar

Mayor, Liberal Democrats

Councillor Katie Vigar

Mayor, Liberal Democrats

North Ward Email

Councillor Dave Garwood

Ideal Bradford

Councillor Dave Garwood

Ideal Bradford

South Ward Email

Councillor Alex Kay

Ideal Bradford

Councillor Alex Kay

Ideal Bradford

North Ward Email

Councillor Tim Trimble

Liberal Democrats

Councillor Tim Trimble

Liberal Democrats

North Ward Email

Councillor Emma Franklin

Deputy Mayor, Ideal Bradford

Councillor Emma Franklin

Deputy Mayor, Ideal Bradford

South Ward Email