Home Town Council Planning & infrastructure Neighbourhood Plan review

Neighbourhood Plan review

Together – as a community – we’re reviewing Bradford on Avon’s Neighbourhood Plan.

In due course, this will result in an updated plan: the second edition of our Neighbourhood Plan. The review is being led by a Steering Group.

Bradford on Avon Town Council is the Qualifying Body responsible for our Neighbourhood Plan review. On this page, you can find out more about our Neighbourhood Plan, including why we’re reviewing it and how to get involved.

Bradford on Avon’s current Neighbourhood Plan

A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that sets out planning policies for an area. It can do things like:

  • protect local green spaces
  • encourage better designed places
  • bring forward housing (development) that meets local needs and aspirations.

A Neighbourhood Plan is written by the local community to ensure development happens in the right places and meets local needs.

Bradford on Avon’s current Neighbourhood Plan was adopted (or made) in 2017 and covers up to 2026.

Wiltshire Council takes the current Neighbourhood Plan into account when making decisions on planning applications in Bradford on Avon.

Neighbourhood Plan review

The current plan period ends in 2026. This doesn’t mean the plan stops or becomes redundant in 2026 – and there aren’t any requirements for us to review the current plan. Our current plan could carry on.

However, while out of date plans might not become redundant, they are likely to be become less relevant, useful and effective. This means we’ll have less of say when it comes to future development in the town.

Reviewing and updating the Neighbourhood Plan gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to a shared vision for the future development of the town, this time looking ahead to 2038.

The second edition of the Neighbourhood Plan will also be a key tool to help us realise Bradford on Avon’s Town Vision.

Find out more & get involved

You can contact the steering group through the town council if you have any questions about current Neighbourhood Plan and the review: neighbourhoodplan@bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk

4th September 2023
Last Updated
18th March 2025