Home Your Community Environment & Sustainability

Environment & Sustainability

Bradford on Avon Town Council declared a Climate Emergency in March 2019, further adding to this by declaring an Ecological Emergency in July 2020.

The Climate & Ecological Emergencies are situations where urgent action is needed to reduce or stop climate change and avoid possibly irreversible environmental damage.

What can the town council do?

In declaring these emergencies we recognise that our actions have an impact on our planet.

Are there realistic changes we can make and are they worth it?

By making changes we can reduce the impact and inspire others to do the same.

From this page you’ll be able to navigate through several projects and documents we have completed to help Bradford on Avon be a greener town.

What have we done so far?

We recognise that actions, not words, are needed to address the Climate and Ecological Emergencies.

From this page, you can navigate between the various projects and important documents that help us tackle the Climate and Ecological Emergencies on a hyper-local level.

We’ve created a Green Roadmap – an infographic which shows all of our green achievements to date.

26th June 2024
Last Updated
18th March 2025