In July 2022 we unveiled its Living Green Wall at the entrance to Bridge Yard. The project will have a massive impact not only adding to the beauty of the area, but also contributing to the goal of being a more environmentally friendly town.
Stephanie Edwards, kick started the project and brought the idea to us, as a project to help improve the air quality in the heart of the town.
The project is funded by donations from the Arts Festival Group, an Area Board grant, the community and the town council.
The Living Green Wall is connected to an automated irrigation system and we are responsible for its maintenance.
Not only will the wall attract visitors to the town, but it will have many benefits for residents, such as reducing carbon dioxide in the area by absorbing it.
Studies have found that Living Green Walls cool the surface area by 12 to 20 degrees C when compared to a bare wall.
This is important because many places in the UK are not designed to cope with long periods of high heat.
Additionally, urban areas contain heat unnatural to their setting, this allows the town to have a more natural temperature.
They also cool the surrounding area by around 5 degrees C and help with insulating the building. The Living Green Wall also boosts biodiversity by providing possible shelter, nesting and food for wildlife.
In December 2022, ANS Global (who installed the Living Green Wall) placed their Bradford on Avon project at the top of their projects for the year – beating out Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Read the blog post here.