Home Town Council What we look after

What we look after

There are 2 tiers of local government which serve the residents of Bradford on Avon: Wiltshire Council (unitary authority) and Bradford on Avon Town Council (parish council).

You can find out more about councils on the government’s website: understand how your council works

Our aims & objectives

Our aim is to create a strong and resilient community, where everyone has opportunities to be part of the success of the town.

For us, a successful town means:

  • a thriving town
  • a flourishing community
  • a greener place
  • an engaged town council.

We also believe that how we act and how we work is just as important as what we do.

  • we aim to support and nurture the town, valuing community and leading by example
  • our decisions and our actions are shaped by the climate crisis and the ecological emergency that we are all facing – and the town council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019.

We hold the General Power of Competence and this allows us to do more in the town. The General Power of Competence gives councils the power to do anything an individual can do provided it is not prohibited by other legislation.

This is a summary of what we do – with links to more detailed information elsewhere on our website.

  • manage and look after Places & Spaces in the town, including parks, green spaces, and play areas
  • work with local clubs to provide and look after sports courts and pitches
  • manage community venues, including St Margaret’s Hall and the Youth & Community Centre
  • hire venues and outdoor spaces for events, meetings and parties
  • manage the cemetery on Holt Road
  • manage the allotments on Frome Road and at the Shoulder of Mutton
  • manage the public toilets near St Margaret’s Hall and by the train station
  • run the electric vehicle (EV) chargers by the Youth Centre
  • support community groups and local charities – and run a community grants scheme
  • work with volunteers, Wiltshire Council and other organisations to help keep Bradford on Avon clean and tidy
  • check and empty the litter bins in the town
  • support and organise town events
  • work with local businesses to improve regeneration and economic growth
  • run the weekly town market
  • comment on planning applications received by Wiltshire Council
  • make recommendations to Wiltshire Council as a voice of the people
  • promote the wellbeing of people living in the town
  • work towards making Bradford on Avon an independent, resilient and more environmentally sustainable town
  • provide information about what’s on and what’s happening in Bradford on Avon
  • run the Tourist Information centre – and the Explore BOA website
  • support the Community Emergency Volunteers
  • manage and look after the Community Fridge
  • support and promote town twinning with our twin towns in France, Germany and Poland
  • BoA youth.

Other organisations

Since the 2022 asset transfer, our responsibilities have expanded, but there are still several areas outside our remit.

For instance, flooding and matters related to the River Avon are managed by the Environment Agency, while issues like potholes fall under the responsibility of Wiltshire Council.

5th September 2023
Last Updated
17th March 2025