Home News Volunteering Can you help make Bradford Bloom?

Can you help make Bradford Bloom?

Once again, Bradford on Avon is entering the RHS Britain in Bloom competition. We fall under the ‘South West in Bloom’ area and are aiming for Gold in the Preece Cup award.  Having achieved a Silver last year, this time we are really hoping to get a higher award and many of the green volunteers from all around the town have come together to create patches of beautifully kept green spaces.

Above, Volunteers from the Bradford Station Garden Group with Cllr Emma Franklin ©lydiaboothphotography.com

Among the various groups; The WI have taken a site near By the Way shop, the Bradford Station Garden Group team are busy sprucing up beds on both platforms and Tony at The Three Horseshoes has put up bird tables and bug hotels. The Town Council will also be providing more of the wonderful hanging baskets that we saw last year, which seemed to grow enormous as the weeks went on!


Above left; one of last year’s fabulous hanging baskets, and right; a volunteer weeds borders at the station ©lydiaboothphotography.com

Cllr Emma Franklin, who is heading up the overall project, says that whilst of course we want as much planting and colour around the town as possible, another aspect to bear in mind is the amazing year round work put in by volunteers keeping areas like the Strips and Widbrook woodland clean and clear. In addition, there is a new group called ‘CluB’ (Clean up Bradford) currently clearing and tidying up Pound lane but also taking their enthusiasm and energy all around the town. Their next sessions are scheduled for 5th and 12th June, and to get involved you can contact organiser Derrick Hunt on 07986 972 984 or by emailing cleanupboa@gmail.com

Emma added:

If you care about how the town looks and feels then we are very excited to meet you. If you have seen an area in the town, which looks like it could benefit from your green fingered expertise, get in touch, join our volunteer ranks, and let’s make that area bloom again!

To find out more, email the Town Council at office@bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk for Cllr Emma Franklin’s attention or call us on 01225 864240

31st May 2018
Last Updated
1st November 2024
Published in