Home News Community Deputy Mayor and Ali Vowles open a successful ‘Walk of Life’

Deputy Mayor and Ali Vowles open a successful ‘Walk of Life’

On Saturday 12th May, 500 walkers stepped out along the Kennet & Avon canal towpath to take part in the Walk of Life, the Forever Friends Appeal’s annual charity walk. To date, over £30,000 has already been raised to help transform patient care at the Royal United Hospitals Bath. Over 8,200 miles were clocked up on the canal as part of the events walking marathon, or 10 mile challenge!

Photo ©The Forever Friends Appeal

Laura Pearce, the Forever Friends Appeal Events & Community Officer said:

“Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the Walk of Life! There were so many inspirational people that joined us along the canal – whether that was to celebrate the life and memories of loved ones, show their support for someone receiving treatment at the RUH or simply to take on the challenge – every step taken on the day has helped thousands of patients, at a time when they need it most.

We had the pleasure of welcoming the Deputy Mayor of Bradford on Avon, Cllr. David Garwood, along who helped open the 10 mile walk in Bradford on Avon, along with Ali Vowles from the BBC. It was wonderful to see the town come out and support our walkers, many who are from Wiltshire and the Bradford on Avon area.”

More photos from the day can be found HERE and to learn more about the charity visit: http://www.foreverfriendsappeal.co.uk

15th May 2018
Last Updated
1st November 2024
Published in