10th May 2017

Volunteer Day Back for the 3rd Year!

Bradford on Avon Town Council is once again providing a fantastic opportunity for local residents to join up with voluntary groups and charities, by inviting them to join in a promotional Volunteer Day at St Margaret’s Hall, Bradford on Avon on Saturday 3rd June between 12 noon and 3 pm.

The following local groups are looking for volunteers, come and find out how you could help:

Wiltshire Music Centre
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Healthwatch Wiltshire
Alzheimer’s Support
Barbara McLennan
Save The Children
Carers in Wiltshire
Arts Festival & Lantern Procession
Preservation Trust
Secret Gardens
The Hub

This is a free event and refreshments will be available.

If you are a group looking for volunteers please get in touch
01225 864240

There is so much that goes on in the town and many of these activities would not happen without the time and skills of local volunteers.  Extra help is always needed!