Bradford on Avon is proud to welcome refugees into its community.
Since the conflict in Ukraine started, Bradford on Avon has welcomed over 100 Ukrainian refugees who have been hosted by dozens of households in the town and nearby villages. Some are working in local businesses while others are self-employed, with children attending St Laurence and local primary schools.
The BoA Ukraine group continues to coordinate support in a variety of ways including English lessons, donations, social activities and host support.
You can contact the group by email There is also a Facebook page helping to support the refuge community.
Free, drop-in English lessons are currently offered at the following times and places:
Tuesdays: The Old Nursey, Upper Westwood, BA15 2DN
5pm to 6.30pm Conversational English with Stuart
Wednesdays: Online
4.30pm to 5.30pm English class with Joe (email for login information)
Thursdays: BoA Library, Bridge Street, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1BY
2.10pm to 3.10pm Grammar fun with Stuart
3.30pm to 4.30pm Hot Topic with Stuart
Saturdays: Priory Barn, Newtown, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1NQ
10.30am to 11.30am Grammar fun with Stuart
11.30am to 12.30pm A song with Stuart
How You Can Help
The government is continuing to run the Homes for Ukraine scheme. Hosts are asked to provide homes or a spare room, rent-free for as long as they are able, with a minimum stay of 6 months. In return, hosts receive a monthly payment of £350 from Wiltshire Council to help with costs.
Many local hosts have decided to continue hosting their guests beyond this 6 month period, but some are not in a position to do so with the result that more spare rooms are needed.
If you’re interested and would like to talk to someone about the experience of hosting a Ukrainian family or individual, the BoA Ukraine group can put you in touch with a current host who can discuss the details with you.
Some Ukrainians can afford to rent property or rooms and landlords are being sought who can provide accommodation.
Residents can also use the government’s Rent-a-room scheme to let out a room tax-free for up to £7,500 per year.
The Ukrainian community values support from local people who are not acting as hosts, but who can help with other practical tasks, such as negotiating with landlords, developing small businesses or engaging with government systems.
If you’d like to offer your support in this way, please contact
If you would like to make a financial donation, there is a dedicated fund held in the Bradford on Avon Town Council account. This fund is ringfenced and used for activities such as English lessons, social events and assistance with transport.
You can make a payment to:
Sort code 30-98-75
Account number: 01236757
Please use the reference: Ukraine 581
Donating Items
If you have items you would like to donate to the local Ukrainian community, please check the Bradford on Avon Ukraine Support Group Facebook page to see what items are being requested or email
Some Ukrainian families need lifts on a regular or occasional basis, particularly those in villages or the outskirts of town. If you’re able to help with this, please email
For more information about supporting the refugee community, please contact the BoA Ukraine Group by email or visit the Bradford on Avon Ukraine refugee support group on Facebook.