Becky Addy Wood


The Town Council agreed on an approach to safely manage the destructive tree disease known as Ash Dieback, at its Environment and Green Spaces Committee meeting held on Tuesday 16th November.

Bradford on Avon Town Council appointed a professional arboriculturist to carry out a survey of Becky Addy Wood.  The survey identified that the woodland was extensively effected by the disease Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus). Further professional surveying of individual trees within the areas of risk, the public footpath and road, identified that woodland management work, including felling trees with severe ash dieback, is necessary to ensure the safety of users of the woodland.

The Town Council has taken advice from conservation organisations and experts on the management of trees with Ash Dieback in Becky Addy Wood.  The work is being carried out for safety reasons, as advised by a professional arborist.  The council is planning to undertake this work at the optimum time for the biodiversity of the woodland, alongside ecological surveys to guide the work.  There will be replanting in the woodland with further enhancements for the habitat of birds, bats and other species.

Bradford on Avon Town Council values the natural habitat and landscape of the town and with Wiltshire Council has recently secured £96,000 of funding from the Forestry Commission, to plant trees in Bradford on Avon, starting this winter.

18th November 2021
Last Updated
1st November 2024