Home News Environment & green spaces Emergency tree works needed at Becky Addy Wood

Emergency tree works needed at Becky Addy Wood

THE recent storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklin have caused significant damage to trees in the area – particularly in Becky Addy Wood.

Bradford on Avon Town Council recently closed parts of the wood to protect visitors from potentially unsafe trees.

Our approach to the woodland is to protect users of the road, public footpath and the ‘goat track’ that goes up the hill past the woodland, but to retain trees where possible in other areas.

During these storms, in those closed areas there have been many fallen trees, trees snapped high on the trunk and fallen tree limbs of a variety of tree species including Ash trees affected by Ash Dieback disease.

Additionally, some trees have fallen across the public footpath.

Bradford on Avon Town Council will now be carrying out emergency works on storm damaged trees for safety purposes, always taking account of the woodland’s ecology.

There are signs at the woodland explaining that people must keep to the main paths described above. We urge people to follow these important instructions.

These include keeping dogs under close control so that they do not stray from the line of the path.

Please also follow any temporary instructions whilst tree works are being carried out.

24th February 2022
Last Updated
1st November 2024