Home News Environment & green spaces ‘Plastic-Free Community Status’ awarded to Bradford on Avon

‘Plastic-Free Community Status’ awarded to Bradford on Avon

We are really pleased to announce that the community of Bradford on Avon has been awarded ‘Plastic-Free Community Status‘ by marine conservation charity, ‘Surfers Against Sewage‘ (SAS), in recognition of the work it has done to start reducing the impact of single-use plastic on the environment

In order to qualify for formal recognition, seven local businesses had to prove they had made concerted efforts to implement change, and having done so have earned the community, the first in Wiltshire, the certificate which the Town Council on behalf of Bradford on Avon, are now in receipt of.

The  initiative was started by the Steering Group of Plastic-Free Bradford on Avon, who joined with the Waste Group of Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon to benefit from their expertise and enthusiasm. Together they worked to encourage key organisations and businesses in the town to get on board with making the necessary changes.

The seven plastic free heroes of Bradford on Avon at the time of assessment were:

…although lots of others businesses across the town are also making efforts as you can find out HERE


Many businesses in Bradford on Avon are now committed to using biodegradable paper or re-usable bamboo/metal straws, as well as paper bags, encouraging re-usable coffee cups with discounts and selling loose products for customers to refill reusable containers with.


As part of the campaign Plastic-Free Bradford on Avon, along with Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon held numerous stalls and displays at Christmas fairs, the Solar Tea Party and the local library. Plastic-free Bradford on Avon has also had support from all of the local schools and several of the churches.  A spokesperson from the Steering Group said:

 “We are very pleased to achieve the status for the town, but of course the town is far from being completely plastic free. We recognise that we have barely scratched the surface of tackling the issue. We will continue to encourage residents to make plastic-free choices, to support the local businesses which are doing the right thing and encourage the others to also make changes.”

The outgoing Mayor, Alex Kay, said:

“I am absolutely delighted that Bradford on Avon has been awarded this accreditation, and we can all be proud of our whole community who has worked towards it, especially the Steering Group and the many businesses who have embraced the ethos of eliminating  single-use plastic. Really well done, everyone!”


In January 2019, in conjunction with Plastic-Free Bradford on Avon, we screened ‘A Plastic Ocean‘ at St Margaret’s Hall, and we encourage anyone who would like to find out more about the effect of disposable plastics on our environment to watch it. You can view the trailer here:

Rachel Yates, SAS Plastic Free Communities Project Officer, said:

“It’s great to see the work that Bradford on Avon has done to reduce the availability of avoidable plastics, raise awareness and encourage people to refill and reuse.

We have over five hundred communities across the UK working to reduce single use plastic and the impact it has on our environment. Every step those communities and the individuals in them take is a step towards tackling the problem at source, challenging our throwaway culture and encouraging the habit changes we need to see.”

The Town Council will soon be installing three water fountains across the town, to enable residents and visitors alike to refill bottles, alongside the existing water refill scheme many businesses have also implemented.

We encourage you to carry refillable bottles, re-usable coffee cups and shopping bags whenever you’re out and about, as well as supporting businesses who are making efforts to combat the throw away ethos of the past few decades. With so many businesses across the town now supplying packaging free goods, and refill items, it’s time for us all to make changes to the choices we make in order to protect the environment, both locally and globally.

If you would like to find out how else you can reduce plastic pollution as an individual, visit the Plastic Free Bradford on Avon website HERE and also locally run website The Green Shopper for tips on living more sustainably.

8th May 2019
Last Updated
1st November 2024