17th July 2023

Town council take part in the Bristol Avon RiverBlitz

Councillors Alex Kay, Tim Trimble and Sarah Gibson, alongside fellow citizen scientists from Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon, Liz Stephen, Gill Brooks and Simon Kay, have taken part in the Bristol Avon River Trust RiverBlitz.

The RiverBlitz is a yearly event where volunteers across the country collect water samples during the same week in July from their local rivers to test nitrate and phosphate levels.

Observations about the sample sites are also recorded. This helps give a snapshot of the water quality.

We took samples at 8 different sites throughout Bradford on Avon from above the town weir to below Avoncliff Weir with some very interesting results.

The data collected is entered into the Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust (BART) website, analysed and plotted on a regional map by the RiverBlitz team.

This regional approach enables us to better understand what is happening in our waterways and determine where we should focus efforts to improve the water quality for people and wildlife.

Previous results and info can be found on the BART website.