Bradford on Avon Town Council has agreed to continue funding the Aldhelm Court Club service for the over 60s.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr Jennie Parker, has been a keen supporter of the service during her time as a councillor, and wants to see more people joining the group.

At the latest Community & Wellbeing committee meeting (28 June) councillors agreed to continue funding the hire of the room for club members.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr Jennie Parker said: “The Aldhelm Court 60+ Club is a fun place to be on a Thursday afternoon at 2pm.
“We meet for two hours and the first thing we do is make tea, have a cake and chat. We then spend about an hour playing skittles, quoits, bingo or having a quiz.
“We laugh a lot and most members have had a wooden spoon awarded to them at some time.
“We share everything and decisions about activities at the venue or out of it are decided by all.
“We attended the Jubilee Museum a few weeks ago and are due to have cream teas on a barge in the next few weeks. We also have people who come along to entertain us at times.
“Come along and check us out. We would love to meet you.”