Home News Health & Wellbeing Tree planting underway

Tree planting underway

Our Green Spaces Officer and Town Wardens were busy planting over 600 tree whips recently to create hedgerows in areas that we manage, thanks to a generous donation of tree whips from The Conservation Volunteers.


More trees will be planted as we take on areas from Wiltshire Council as part of the Asset Transfer process, which we will plant with help from community volunteers later in the year and once restrictions have eased.


Hedgerows are vital for all kinds of wildlife; connecting habitat, providing wind shelter, nesting sites and food for pollinator insects – who in turn feed birds.


With Bradford on Avon Town Council declaring both a Climate and Ecological Emergency, this work goes toward our efforts to not only negate the impact of human activity on the climate, but also to restore habitat and local biodiversity across the town.


‘Loss of hedgerows has been identified as a factor in the decline of many plant and animal species.’ (RSPB England)


The more trees we can plant locally, the better chance nature has to recover, and the more chance future generations will have to hear beautiful birds such as the Yellowhammer sing in real life, not just on a recording, though you CAN do that here: https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/yellowhammer


To find out what else we are doing about the Climate and Ecological Emergencies, visit our dedicated website pages: https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/climate-ecological-emergencies/
15th March 2021
Last Updated
1st November 2024