Home News Health & Wellbeing Response to approval of Westbury Incinerator

Response to approval of Westbury Incinerator

Bradford on Avon Town Council was one of many Town and Parish councils who wrote in objection to the proposed incinerator to be sited at Northarcre in Westbury. This matter was brought to the Wiltshire Council Strategic Planning Committee again on 22nd June 2021 to approve alteration to the building and a change in the combustion system.

Town Councillor and Mayor of Bradford on Avon, Cllr Sarah Gibson, as a Wiltshire Councillor for BoA South and member of that committee, was able to speak and vote against it. However it was approved by 7 votes to 4.

In response to the decision Cllr. Gibson said:

“ I am extremely disappointed that despite voting to accept the Climate Emergency in March 2019, with an aim to make Wiltshire carbon Neutral by 2030, Wiltshire Council will now be responsible for a huge carbon emitting incinerator in Westbury, when it should be looking at increasing recycling opportunities and more environmentally friendly means for disposing of any non recyclable waste.”

Bradford on Avon Town Council hopes to lead by example having declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 (as well as an Ecological Emergency in 2020) and has and will continue to work on projects which help to reduce our town’s impact on the planet.

Recent examples include our new Terracycling Station, https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/introducing-our-new-terracycling-station/ located at the Youth and Community Centre as well as the upcoming installation of EV Charging units at the same location: https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/electric-vehicles-ev-charging-for-boa/.

To find out more about how the Town Council is working to combat the Climate and Ecological Emergencies, visit our dedicated website section at: https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/climate-ecological-emergencies/

To read our previous article about the proposed Waste Incinerator at Westbury visit: https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/councillors-united-against-local-incinerator-plans/

23rd June 2021
Last Updated
1st November 2024