Home News Health & Wellbeing Local Plan rejected by Full Council

Local Plan rejected by Full Council

At the Full Council meeting on 2nd March 2021, Town Councillors voted unanimously to reject the Wiltshire Local Plan Draft which is currently undergoing public consultation.

Councillors cited grave concerns with the proposed sites for development; the impact on green spaces, ecology and air quality, along with lack of consideration on infrastructure and amenities such as roads, schools, shops and medical facilities.

The decision follows discussion by Councillors and many from the community at recent Environment and Planning Committee meetings, and much correspondence from members of the public with the Town Council voicing alarm at the proposals.

The deadline for the public to submit responses to the Local Plan to Wiltshire Council is by 9th March 2021 – read our previous article for more information on how to do that, if you have not done so already: https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/have-your-say-on-the-local-plan/

Speaking on behalf of the Town Council in a statement prepared for submission to Wiltshire Council, Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Environment and Planning Committee, Cllr Alex Kay, said:

“It is not so much a Plan, as an allocation of houses in unsuitable places. It lacks vision for the future of our communities and our county.
It lacks integration and due consideration with other key strategies such as Highways and ‘Blue Green’ Spaces, and many other infrastructure issues. It also does not recognise or take appropriate account of our Neighbourhood Plan. It is, at best, a ‘business as usual’ plan, intended simply to mark time to 2036; it does not address the Climate Emergency in any meaningful way and would not attain our shared target of being Carbon Neutral by 2030, but in fact would take us backwards.
We reject all three green sites proposed for housing, for the reasons laid out in our response. It clearly does not appreciate the true value of the land for our wellbeing, the environment or biodiversity and how much is lost irretrievably, by developing on these kinds of sites.”

The full statement, incorporating the entire consultation submission by the Town Council to Wiltshire Council may be read or downloaded below:

4th March 2021
Last Updated
1st November 2024