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Town Council commits to a greener future

Town Councillors have recently unanimously approved a Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy, outlining how the council will tackle the joint emergencies up until 2025.

The Strategy, (adopted at January’s Full Council meeting), which includes specific measures approved by the Environment and Planning committee in December 2020, provides for around £100,000 of specific funding in 2021-22, and commits the Town Council to allocating at least 10% of its annual budget to this ongoing work in future years.

Upcoming projects supported by the funding will include:

  • installation of EV charging points at various locations in the town;
  • provision of Terracycling collection points;
  • provision of recycling bins;
  • procurement of electric vehicles for use by the town wardens and CEVs, examples of which are already being test driven.

Communication is also recognised as a key area to support on an ongoing basis – with the launch of the new Climate and Ecological Emergency section of the Town Council’s website having been recognised by Councillors across Wiltshire and BANES as leading the way in supporting the public’s understanding of this issue. The council will also continue to provide information on how the public can play a role, through their own actions, to reduce carbon footprints and support biodiversity.

Additionally, this year’s funding includes up to £16,000 to be spent on grants specifically aimed at addressing the joint emergencies, with £6,000 of this allocated to projects to be devised by young people in the town.  Applications to these funds are open now, with the monies aimed at supporting community-led projects. For more information, please visit https://bradfordonavontowncouncil.gov.uk/climate-and-ecological-emergency-community-fund/.

The Strategy (which can be read HERE) notes the importance of continuing engagement with Wiltshire Council, Bath and North East Somerset Council and other local authorities – recognising that issues affecting climate and biodiversity reach across parish and county perimeters.  It also commits to greener approaches to planning and town development looking forward to Town Council projects such as the Skatepark and Culver Close Pavillion, future tree planting and the implementation of recommendations arising from the recently completed Ecosulis Biodiversity Survey (to be published soon).

In addition, it recognises the value of collaborative approaches and work with community groups such as Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon and the BoA Preservation Trust, alongside local businesses and organisations further afield who may bring specific expertise to the table.

This way of working has already seen Councillors from the Environment and Planning Committee recently being involved in a pilot project with the Centre for Sustainable Energy and the University of Exeter, trialling software that gives detailed information on local carbon emissions to highlight areas needing attention.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Dom Newton, said:

“This Strategy is important in setting the blue-print for how we will approach what is now a defining public policy issue, both in our town and the world beyond. In setting a budget target of 10% per year to tackle the joint Emergencies, and specific projects which are already starting to be delivered, the Strategy is a living, breathing document – not just fine words on a page.
People sometimes ask what we, as a Town Council, or even individuals, can realistically do to address a global issue. The answer is simple; we can’t do everything but we can do something.  If everyone does what they can, that can quickly add up to real change.
We have a choice; to ignore what’s already happening to our planet – or to step forward and take action, so that future generations are not made to suffer through our lack of action, and will hopefully, face a brighter future.”
10th February 2021
Last Updated
1st November 2024